Friday, January 23, 2009

Sam Adams

My stated goal for this blog is to eschew politics as much as possible and I certainly don't want to get bogged down in the the politics of private lives - nor do I want to be seen as defending Portland Mayor Sam Adams' actions that have led to the scandal.

But I do want to say that as an economist who thinks a lot about public policy, including urban and regional policy, I have been exceedingly impressed with Sam the policy wonk.

His ideas are not always right in my opinion, but almost always. And I have found him to be an exceedingly creative and intelligent thinker and policy maker and I believe he can do great things for Portland and the state of Oregon.

I don't know how this will all shake out but I do know that in this time of great economic turmoil I hate to think of Portland being rudderless. I hope that in the very least, he will let voters decide in a recall if his personal actions warrant his removal. Until then, I hope he keeps working on the good policy ideas he has and his vision for the city. But that's just

[Photo credit: The Oregonian]

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