Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Trade and the Oregon Economy

Short on time this AM. From The Oregonian: Oregon Exports Drop. From the US Government (ITA):

"Export-supported jobs linked to manufacturing account for an estimated 7.6 percent of Oregon's total private-sector employment, the fifth highest figure among the 50 states. Over one-fifth (20.5 percent) of all manufacturing workers in Oregon depend on exports for their jobs (2006 data are the latest available.)"

As I have said before, Oregon is badly battered by the national recession, but gets a doubly whammy from the huge global downturn in trade.

From the WTO:

Quarterly world export developments, 2005-08 (2005Q1=100, in current US dollars)

Note: The Oregonian has some nice graphics but they are not on the OregonLive website.

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