Friday, June 12, 2009

Poll Results: Uncertainty Reigns

The poll has been closed for a week now and I have been meaning to talk about it for a while and now I shall finally do so.  There was a broad consensus that sometime in the range of Q4 2009 to Q2 2010 we will see the recession end - but also that the contraction will extend into 2011, suggesting that there is a lot of pessimism out there still.  Though I wonder if some have in their minds when the economy will recover, not start to recover as the poll was asking.

In a related topic Moody's labeled Oregon as one of the states it expects to see turn around first.  I hope that they are right, but I am a bit skeptical: I am not sure that pent-up demand for technology is going to really filter down to Oregon that quickly unless there is strong demand from abroad as well, and that is a big question mark.    

But I hope they are right.  I answered Q4 2009 in the poll, by the way, and I still think we will see an end of the fall by then, but I also anticipate a slow recovery.

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