Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Notes on Blogging and Fish and Chips

You may have noticed already but the next couple of weeks will be a bit light on the blogging front as I am on vacation and I am about to go to a place next week where there shall be no (gasp!) internets.  Bear with me.  I might be able to text a post or three.  

On the fish and chip front (as I know you are anxiously awaiting my latest dispatch), as a part of my vacation, I recently sampled the fare at the McMenamin's Edgefield Pub.  It was a disaster.  Overcooked rubbery fish and soggy fries.  What a disgrace to all of fishdom - to think that a poor fish gave its life for that.  Sigh.  The rest of the visit was wonderful, however, and I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of their IPA which I haven't had in years, it was really tasty.  But I must now sadly place McMenamin's on the black list for fish and chips.

On a brighter note, have now had the F&C at the New Old Lompoc's Oaks Bottom Public House on several occasions and can now say with confidence that they are consistently superb.  I have not tried them at their other locations, but I will assume that they are good unless proven otherwise.

So you want good F&C in Portland? I recommend The Fish and Chip Shop for traditional English finger style (think batter) and the New Old Lompoc empire for exceptional pub style F&C.


  1. Your NOL link at the end is broken; I think it's pointing back to your blog without the full URL...

  2. Thank god! Now I can visit Portland with complete confidence that I can secure a decent meal there...

  3. wow really nice thought i really happy for that ...

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