Monday, December 7, 2009

Job Market for Recent College Grads Improving-A Little

From the Wall Street Journal:

The job market is looking a little friendlier to recent college graduates than it has in past months.

The National Association of Colleges and Employers’ college hiring index rose to 87.2 in November, up from 86.8 a month earlier.

NACE’s monthly poll showed that 28% of the employers surveyed said they are planning to increase college hiring, two percentage points higher than the previous month. It’s a marked improvement over the 17% of employers who said the same thing in August.

The Labor Department’s employment report brought good news as well: The unemployment rate for college graduates between 20 and 24-years-old dropped to 7.5%, down from 8.7% in October.

While the jobless rate is still high for everyone, secondary education has paid off during the recession. The unemployment rate for 20 to 24-year-olds with only a high school diploma hovered at 20.7% in November, only a slight improvement from the 20.9% rate a month earlier.

And don't forget, one of the best subjects to major in when it comes to getting a job and getting paid well is...economics.

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