Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Best Trick Play in the History of the Word

For your viewing pleasure (and because I am too busy to give anything else but eye candy). I guess you can't really beat 'the play' - the Cal v. Stanford craziness - but this has got to be number two. Alas it is forgotten to all but young men who were living in Wisconsin at the time. Perhaps had they won...

The good view of the play in slow-mo starts at about 2:40.


  1. I couldn't believe that was a tight end that caught the ball. He looked gassed and out of shape. Far cry from today's tight ends.

  2. The question is, was the bounce intentional or was it just a poorly thrown lateral?

  3. It was intentional all the way, designed to freeze the defense by thinking the play was over. You can tell by the way the ball is thrown sideways.

    Wisconsin was not...er...terribly good in this era, so a poor tight end would have been par for the course.

  4. It was intentional all the way, designed to freeze the defense by thinking the play was over. You can tell by the way the ball is thrown sideways.

    Wisconsin was not...er...terribly good in this era, so a poor tight end would have been par for the course.
