Monday, February 15, 2010

Fiscal Stability

My Op-Ed in The Oregonian today:

A rather depressing sense of complacency seems to have settled over the state Democratic leadership after the passage of Measures 66 and 67. But celebrating their passage as a major political victory -- and allowing their passage to become an excuse not to immediately address the fiscal instability that necessitated the new taxes -- is a serious mistake.

The taxes were not a victory to celebrate but a disheartening sign of the dysfunction of the state's fiscal system. The fact that we had to pass them should be seen as a defeat, not a victory, and as a condemnation of our stewardship of the state's finances. Letting these new taxes take our eyes off of real reform is to squander an opportunity to permanently fix what's wrong with the state's revenues.


Read the rest at the Os web site.

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