Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It is Finally Over...

The future of the Made in Oregon sign has been determined.

Thanks Randy...

UPDATE: My favorite libertarian, Jacob Grier, is unhappy the way the city grabbed control of the sign and how we now all get to pay for it.  I meant the "Thanks Randy" a bit ironically, as it is not clear we all really wanted to own the thing, but I do think restricting its commercial use, on public goods grounds, was appropriate, no different than how we regulate highway billboards (though in this case it is much more prominent).  Have a look at Jacob's take.  One thing is for sure, my kids will be happy that the red nose will reappear next winter. 

1 comment:

  1. Ah... I see the danger here as something else entirely. You are getting a reputation as the 'Oregon Economist' (probably better the the 'beer economist'... though I am mixed on that). But, the danger is in the reputation... ask George Taylor how that worked out for him in the end.

    Names contain hidden danger. :-)
