Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Oops, should have posted this prior to my appearance, but alas it is spring break...

Here I am, trying desperately not to embarrass myself on "Live @ 7" last night.


  1. The most interesting bit is right at the end--when you talk about debt. Wish she had asked you that one first.

  2. I too found your comment about debt interesting. Maybe I've been listening too much to Niall Ferguson, but can we really defer our concern until after other countries decide to stop investing here? Or did I misunderstand your point?

  3. Wasn't expecting that question - which is fine - but had I more than a few seconds I would have qualified my comments that at the moment the debt doesn't bother me, but obviously things have to change down the road when the recovery picks up steam. I think health care reform is a very good first step.
