Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Eco-nomics and Development

A photograph of the world at night. I am surprised by how bright is the entire sub-continent of India. But it also portends the challenge of the future: as the highly populated emerging economies of East, Southeast and South Asia continue to grow, the pressure on carbon emissions will become severe unless some real solutions are developed soon.


  1. Judging by that photo, North Korea seems to have found the answer. Note it's carbon-guzzling neighbor to the South is lit up at night, while the People's Republic is dark. A side benefit seems to be that the North doesn't have an obesity problem either.

  2. It is confusing, knowing that from this coast it is about 11 time zones away...late at night I can IM with cousins at work...

  3. I am not saying that bright is bad, I am saying that soon more and more will be brighter and brighter and we have to figure out a way to do that more efficiently.

    Perhaps that is part of it: so many US linked businesses that lots of up-all-nighters working in call centers and the like in India! Okay probably not something you are going to see from space...
