Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It is All About the Incentives...

Behold the tip jar at the Beanery in Corvallis:

Though this doesn't overcome the free rider problem for brewed coffee, it does suggest that your espresso's milk might be a bit tepid if you are a cheapskate....


  1. Its level does eliminate the 'deficiency of effective public quality assurance' however; Akerlof would be pleased.

    (that is to say, I read this post on my iPhone at Beir One in Newport, and got sidetracked while following up on 'free rider' on google into a whole asymmetry discussion - $3 high end craft pints on wednesdays explains a lot of that)

  2. Does this mean that without a tip the employees leave the coffee cold? Not exactly a good way to bring back customers.

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