Friday, May 21, 2010

Soccernomics: Peer Effects

It turns out that peers matter in lots of ways in economics: you academic performance is influenced by them, you decisions to engage in 'risky behaviors' is influenced by them and your happiness often depends on others' around you.  So what better way to increase your happiness from the World Cup than by watching the games in a public place?

In Portland there will be two opportunities.  The June 12th match between England and the US will be shown in Director Park on a big screen and the World Cup final on July 11 will be screened in Pioneer Courthouse Square.

Okay so this is not the Champs Elysees:

Or the Copacabana in Rio:

But it'll still be fun.

The Timbers will use the June 12th showing as the opportunity to unveil their new MLS crest as a bonus and will apparently be ready to sell you lots of schwag with the new logo.

I will root for the US as far as they take me, I will honor me roots and cheer for Eng-er-land as well, but my heart will be behind my adopted second country: Brasil:

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