Friday, June 4, 2010

Quel Désastre pour Les Éléphants!

UPADTE: Drogba may not be out after all.  Stay tuned.  Allez Les Éléphants! 

Er...remember that prediction of mine that Les Éléphants of the Côte d'Ivoire would win the World Cup?  Nevermind.  That was based about 90% on my immense respect for Didier Drogba, who is for me the best center forward in the game today and can single-handedly win a game for his team such is his ability to score from nothing.

Thus the news today that he fractured his arm in a warm-up match and is out of the World Cup effectively ends any hope of Les Éléphants making a run.  And not just for what Drogba adds on the field, but he is the heart and soul of the team and it is hard for me to believe that they can recover psychologically from this blow.  Very sad.  This on the heels of Michael Essien of Ghana being ruled out and Samuel Eto'o of Cameroon in a pouting phase and suddenly this African World Cup is looking like it will be devoid of the very top African stars.  Perhaps this is a chance for some new stars to be born.

I will still root like heck for Les Éléphants and the rest of the African contingent, but my dream of an African World Cup champion suddenly looks a lot less likely.

By the way, Rio Ferdinand of England has hurt his knee and is also out.

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