Wednesday, June 23, 2010

World Cup: Wow

The lads do like to make it dramatic.  But you have to love the relentless attacking soccer they displayed for almost the entire game and the fact that they didn't let another bad referee decision distract them.  This decision was worse, by the way, as there was no discretion involved - Dempsey was clearly onside and you expect top linesmen to get that right every time, it was not one of the more difficult ones.

Amusingly, I was waiting to go on Marketplace live and watching the waning seconds of the game on my computer. [It was hard to accept the interview given the game - I knew it would be the dying moments but, after all, I do owe all of humanity the benefit of my drivel wisdom]  The goal was scored at almost the very moment I went live - so how is that for composure?

Penalty kick?  I am your man.

1 comment:

  1. What is with the bad calls? Should I be getting conspiracy-minded?
