Monday, July 26, 2010

Sellwood Bridge

The Sellwood Bridge, which I cross to commence my commute to Corvallis, is now in the next phase of planning and looking for input. Above is the steel deck arch alternative which is my preferred bridge type. I think it is not nearly as ugly as the box girder type (think Glen Jackson I-205 bridge) and not inappropriately scaled like the through arch nor as showy as the extradosed. I also think that it matters as much what you can see from the top as how it looks from afar and this type crates a nice flat top with which to emphasize views. I also want the top to be pretty as well, with nice lighting and railing so you can't blow the entire budget on the structure itself.

But what I think matters little, what we all think is the key, so go and tell them what you think.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I'll make a related plug here: this Friday's City Club Friday Forum is titled "Portland Bridges Falling Down" and will discuss regional transportation governance and funding mechanisms for bridge maintenance/upgrades.
