Tuesday, August 3, 2010


My mother found herself in the hospital over the weekend with a debilitating illness, and she has yet to fully recover, so off I go to Bainbridge Island help her out. I'll be doing it for the first time all by bike and train and ferry so it should be a fun test of my fitness, which I like to think is pretty good - I am on a geriatric soccer team after all. But I may be singing a different tune by the time I reach Blakely Elementary school, man that is one long hill.

Anyway, that is all to say that I may not be blogging as much for the next couple of days.


  1. I wish you, and your Mom, the best. I know the neighborhood well - lived in Fort Ward for over 15 years, moved back to Portland only a couple months ago.

    The Virginia Mason clinic on the Island is excellent.

    PM me if you wish.

  2. Thanks. Yes, she is has been a regular at VM both on the island and in Seattle unfortunately. Anyway, I made it: went through Lynnwood Center to avoid the big long hill. Actually, a delightful journey from start to finish.

  3. The Lynnwood Center itself is getting a long needed refurbishment. Do try the new bakery. There is a decent Asian restaurant in the retail/apartment development to the north. The development across the street is having problems.

    Do stop by the water district and give Kathy a hug.. tell her it is from Gayle of SD7 fame. She is a valuable resource at so many levels.
