Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New Oregon State On-Line Economics Degree Program!

When I used to work for the University of Colorado, CU Online, the distance ed arm of the university bought space on a gigantic billboard on Colfax Avenue, one of the busiest streets in Denver.  In big bold letters they wrote "No Time for an Education? CU Online"  Cringe.

Unfortunately, this is often how on-line learning is: a lot of work and not much education.  Though I think that there are a lot of people out there for whom on-line or distance education is no substitute for in class learning, I think that there are also a lot of people out there for whom on-line learning can be effective and who could use the flexibility that distance education provides.  And for those people on-line degree options are often limited.

Well, after a lot of work and planning, I am very pleased to announce that you can now get an Oregon State BA or BS in Economics completely through on-line coursework.  You will take the same classes that on-campus students take and be expected to perform at the same level.  But in the end you will possess the same OSU degree as on-campus students receive and you will also possess one of the most marketable and useful degrees around.

We also offer a couple of options within the major: Managerial Economics which incorporates Business, and the Law, Economics and Policy option which incorporates Political Science and Philosophy and is ideal for those interested in careers in law, politics or policy.  It is also designed to be less mathematically intense for those who see this as a barrier to an economics degree.

I am the E-Campus Coordinator for the OSU Economics department - I designed it and have been working hard to get it up and running (so you know it has to be good!).  Over the next two years we will roll out a full complement of economics courses on-line.  Click on this link to find out more abut the program and OSU E-Campus.

1 comment:

  1. Signed up for Econ 311 this fall since I'm doing the two year MBA! (I may be the only one in Econ though... sigh, stuff keeps getting cancelled).
