Thursday, October 14, 2010

Oregon 6th Best State in Nation for Business

According to a Forbes Magazine study, Oregon is the 6th best state for business and careers, Washington was number 5.

[HT: Portland Business Journal]


  1. Although i think most of these types of rankings are bunk and designed to sell copy.

    It is nice to see Oregon near the top of this list.

    If only this would actually help our unemployment rate.

  2. It looks to me like they gave a lot of weight to labor supply. Every other variable had Oregon ranked 12 or lower.

    Actually, I think the fact that none of the variables ranked Oregon worse then 34th is bigger news then the headline number. I'd have guessed the "Regulatory Environment" would come in a lot lower.

  3. The real mystery for these rankings is the disconnect of the highest unemployment of all lower 48 states for the last decade and the per capita income ranking which has dropped like a rock during the last decade.

    Something is missing because it is not an accident that Oregon has reached such relative lows. What is the reason? That is the big question.
