Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday Morning Dump

Sick today, crawling back into bed, so here are some things to amuse yourselves:

1.  From Greg Mankiw: a picture from the Jon Stewart rally.

This is right up my alley, but I can't decide if it is a defense of the Obama administration or a criticism (too slow and deliberative)?

2. Eco-nomics 1: The Oregonian reports on what is, ostensibly, a very big bet by the city on one renewable energy company and one technology - windmills (sorry, wind turbines).   I am not saying it is a bad bet, but it is a big one and it represents many, many eggs in one basket.

This at a time when Vestas is reeling from high costs and competition.  The news that it is shedding jobs in Denmark I take as a sign that soon all the manufacturing will be done in East Asia.

3. Eco-nomics 2: A nice article on some massive solar energy projects in AZ and CA that may be the last of their kind for a while thanks to expiring incentives.  But if they show that these projects can be reliable and cost effective, the incentives may have done their jobs.

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