Friday, January 14, 2011

Jolly Good Show, What?

Today I become British.  Well, I become sort of an ersatz Brit, but a Brit nonetheless.  I have only to swear the oath and make the pledge and I am in. I do so today in San Francisco.  I shant give up my US citizenship of course, but become a dual citizen.

Why I mention this here is because now, of course, I must use anglo-isms and phrases like 'rummy,' 'jolly good show, what?' and 'old boy.'  I realize that this might be distracting for my US readers but it can't be helped. I shall also begin referring to the 'boot' of my car and looking under the 'bonnet.'  I shall randomly drop definite articles and refer to 'going to hospital.' I shall pointlessly pluralize and refer to studying 'maths.'  But most importantly I shall adopt an effete persona and master the art of damning with faint praise.  Rather...  Perhaps a bowler and bow tie as well.  The possibilities are endless.

For those curious I am the son of a Brit and thus have the right to citizenship and for various reasons, mostly related to travel, a UK passport is quite handy.  For sentimental reasons, it is kinda cool too, and heck, one world cup is better than none...

Besides, as my British step-father says, his fail-safe health insurance should he become old and infirm without adequate coverage is a one way ticket to London with his passport and a note saying 'please look after this man' taped to his chest...


  1. Which half of you will become British, and will you be selecting a sub-affiliation? Will you be British-American or American-British? So many decisions...

    I notice you mention the England team's world cup victory, but if you are descended from Scottish, Irish or Welsh blood I'm not sure it counts. I'm assuming you are bred from English stock, as those who aren't tend not to use the term British!

    I asked about dual-citizenship in the other direction and was promptly reminded that it would be impossible to pledge allegiance to two countries at once, have you considered this quandary and will you continue to pledge to the US at public events? Does this then negate the pledge to Britain?

    I also must note that Maths seems the obvious abbreviation of Mathematics, no?

    I look forward to an increase in sarcasm on your blog!

  2. You should advise all now to warm your beer for you...
