Friday, March 25, 2011

PNREC 2011

Just a note to draw you attention to an upcoming conference: the 2011 Pacific Northwest Regional Economic Conference to be held in Victoria, BC on May 12 and 13.  Early registration ends on April 11, so get yours in soon.  If you are interested in economic issues related to the NW, this is a great opportunity.

Besides, it is in Victoria in May, what is not to like about that?

For more on the PNREC, here is this from the PNREC website:

PNREC Objectives

The Pacific Northwest Regional Economic Conference is a non-profit organization established to promote research and education on the economy of the Northwest states and western Canada. The objectives of the Conference are:

  • To present a program of professional papers, panels and symposia that relate to regional economics.

  • To enable distinguished regional scientists and policy analysts from elsewhere to play a featured role at the Conference.

  • To provide a forum for those from academia, business, and government to meet and interact professionally.

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