Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Look at Oregon's Economy from the OEA

I have been very busy lately as you can see by the length of my posts.  But I have been quite remiss in not directing readers over to Josh Lehner's always excellent posts at the Oregon Office of Economic Analysis.

Here are three recent posts that are well worth a read:

First, it turns out he beat me to a post on the international GDP comparisons - his is much better. Not strictly an Oregon economic issue, but as Oregon is in the US it does correlate.

Second, there is this post and a follow-up on Oregon's relative performance on jobs.  In the graph below Oregon is red, Washington is blue and the US average is black.

Third, there is an update on the Oregon Index of Leading Indicators.

I'll be talking about some of this tonight on KGW's "Live @ 7" show.  

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