Monday, June 13, 2011

The Jerks Have Landed! Sellwood Cycle Repair's New Digs

[NOTE: The spring term just ended and I am exhausted and a bit burned out on economics to be honest (as, I am sure, are my students), so there will probably be mostly intermittent and econ-less blogging this week, my apologies]

On the list of great improvements in the neighborhood, this is at the very top: into the old Furbish Chemical and Supply Co. building has moved the amazing Sellwood Cycle Repair.  These guys are the best (search around for the source of the 'What a Bunch of Jerks' moniker - they are anything but).

They bought the dreary chemical building, completely renovated it and they now have a space that is ten times bigger than their old shop on SE Milwaukie.  The new shop is magnificent and, contrary to what the name suggests, they are a full service retail shop as well with bikes, equipment and supplies.  They are now open and I can't be happier as my bike is badly in need of a complete tune-up.

My love affair with this place started when I just arrived in the neighborhood and our Burley trailer was having a problem with a wheel that was rubbing against the frame.  We took it in and they couldn't see an immediate remedy.  So the manager (I believe that is what he is), Jeremiah, called the manufacturer who (to their great credit as well) admitted to a manufacturing or design defect that affected this model and swapped it for a brand new model - all through the shop which had neither sold it to us nor was a Burley dealer.  After a number of phone calls on our behalf, shipping the old one off, receiving the new one, and finally building the new one for us they didn't ask us for a penny in return.  We finally got them to accept some money for building the new trailer for us after we insisted.

We now go to them for all our bike servicing needs and not just because they are convenient - because they are great! Now with the new store I can go to them for all the other stuff too: bikes, helmets, locks, etc.  Super-cool.

Besides they are now even closer to my house than before.  Welcome the jerks!

NB: I blogged about two other new beery neighbors in my beer blog if you are interested in Sellwood comings and goings.

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