Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Oregon Unemployment Falls to 9.3% in May

The Oregon economy returned to positive job growth in May, adding 1,300 jobs and the state's unemployment rate fell to 9.3%, almost matching the US average.   Manufacturing was a disappointment, it added only 100 jobs when 1,100 new jobs is usual, thus it lost 1,000 jobs on a seasonally adjusted basis.  By contrast, financial activities added 1,500 jobs on a seasonally adjusted basis.  Trade, transport and utilities and educational and health services both saw strong gains as well.


  1. Random question, but I figured I'd ask. With all the news about how tough it is to find a job, what role is the delay of retirement by the baby boomer generation having on jobs? Can it be quantified? Stuck in my head because my dad is delaying his, and I remember when I was hired 6 years ago, all the talk was how companies were struggling to manage the loss of the boomers...6 years later almost all of them are still here.

  2. Age Group unemploment rates are probably your best measure of that effect. It could be done, but it won't be hyper accurate.... Maybe I'll do it.
