Friday, September 16, 2011

Picture of the Day: Portland's GDP and Employment Growth

... was relatively strong in 2010

Q: Why?


  1. My theory is a strong tech economy (see San Jose). Portlands' tech field has been really booming.

    Of course, it's entirely possible my perspective is skewed because that the field I work in, but I do know that we are having trouble finding good people to hire, as are many other folks around town.

  2. GDP growth was driven largely by manufacturing ($4.2 billon in growth, a 14.9% increase).

    Construction saw a 8% decrease in output.

    Biggest increases in employment were:

    Administrative and Support Services (3,300, +6.7%)

    Construction (2,900, +6.7%) - Curious given the output drop.

    Accommodation and Food Services (2,700, +3.4%)

    Biggest loser in employment was local government, down 11%.

  3. The relatively good performance in 2010 looks like a bounce back from a relatively bad 2009.
