Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Picture of the Day: Commuting Alone in a Car

The Wall Street Journal has a fascinating look at commuting trends.  Here is the graphic that shows how much driving alone has increased since 1980 and how much public transit has fallen (despite all the fixed rail investments during this period).  But the really striking decline is in carpooling - I wonder why?:

I wish, however, this graph was done for the period 2000 to 2012 as well.  I would like to know how much is 80s and 90s sprawl and how true is the theme of new urbanism  in reality.  Anyone want to link to such data?

1 comment:

  1. I'd guess part of the problem is that places known for new urbanism like Portland are hostile to new housing. Sprawling communities, like those in the south, are not.

    That wouldn't excuse new urbanism for failing to accomplish its goals, but it suggests a specific problem: scaling up.

    One can have the best idea in the world, but if it can't scale then in the big picture it isn't going to make much difference.
