These issues were explored at the 2015
Legislative Transportation Education Seminar, held January 14 at Willamette
University under the auspices of the Willamette
Center for Governance and Public Policy Research and the Oregon Public
Policy Research Alliance. What we learned is that Oregon’s state gas tax ($.30
per gallon, non commercial vehicles, increased from $.24 in 2009) is 14th
or 15th highest in the country. But most states rely more heavily on
vehicle registration fees to fund transportation, about 40 percent of the total
nationwide, than do we. Consequently, looking at state transportation funding, the
combined cost of vehicle registration and state fuel taxes, Oregon is 27th
highest in the US. On a per capita basis, therefore, the state of Oregon
collects a bit less than the average state for highway maintenance and
Oregon also relies less than other states on municipal and
county level gas taxes to support city streets and county roads. Instead, we
rely almost exclusively on state fuel taxes and registration fees to meet the
needs of cities and counties (30% of state collections goes to counties and 20%
to cities). Consequently, taking state, county, and municipal fuel taxes and
registration fees together shifts Oregon even further down on the per capita
transportation funding tables, to 32rd highest.
Of course, the US as a whole is running way behind on highway
maintenance and investment. With respect to deferred highway maintenance and
investment, the State of Oregon is actually a lot better off than most states.
The civil engineers association ranks our state highway and bridge maintenance
and replacement about tenth best in the country (giving Oregon a grade of C+,
versus an average of D). Indeed, most experts (including those in the state
DOT) believe that the highway trust fund will continue to meet the state’s basic
maintenance and replacement needs through 2017.
That isn’t true of our cities and counties, however; their
needs are large (billions) and pressing. Nor is it necessarily the case with
respect to additional infrastructure investment, where arguably Oregon is a
laggard. Moreover, many believe that the state currently relies excessively on
debt to finance new construction and would like to shift toward current
funding, which requires more cash now.
In this instance Oregon’s Watchdog asks a good question, but
reaches the wrong conclusion. Not keeping up with our needs in this area is
penny-wise and pound-foolish.
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