So it all maters to you. In the wide world of banking, these intermediaries are like the fuel pump to an economy, constantly pumping the fuel (credit or other people's savings) to where it is most combustible, to the most productive uses. By so doing, it really keeps the engine of the economy running, it keeps existing businesses going, new businesses starting and consumers able to consume. So credit really is the fuel for the engine of an economy. In my work as a development economist, we often finger the credit markets (or lack thereof) as a major obstacle to growth in low income countries.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Why Credit Matters
So it all maters to you. In the wide world of banking, these intermediaries are like the fuel pump to an economy, constantly pumping the fuel (credit or other people's savings) to where it is most combustible, to the most productive uses. By so doing, it really keeps the engine of the economy running, it keeps existing businesses going, new businesses starting and consumers able to consume. So credit really is the fuel for the engine of an economy. In my work as a development economist, we often finger the credit markets (or lack thereof) as a major obstacle to growth in low income countries.
Fred Thompson on the Bailout Plan
The Paulson Plan is quite simple. Both the Fed and the Treasury see the immediate problem as one of monetary contraction. As the value of bank assets drop, so too does their ability to extend credit. Why is the value of their assets dropping? No one knows what they are worth, so they aren’t worth much. Buyers won’t sell; sellers won’t buy except at extremely distressed prices.
If the immediate problem is preventing monetary contraction, the solution is to buck up bank balance sheets. That can be done by swapping T-Bills for the commercial. Moreover, if the Treasury makes the swaps by reverse auction they will also jump-start the market for the assets not offered for sale. It should work.
What are the disadvantages of this plan (all plans have disadvantages – there are no free lunches)? One is stressed by libertarian monetary theorists like many of the 200 signers of the economists’ petition against the bailout: the monetary /banking system is prone to excess, because it is so interconnected, politically responsive (corrupt), and debt dependent. We ought to let the market sort things out. If it takes a depression, so be it. We’ll be better off as a result. This view has some merit, but I’d prefer not to run the risk.
On the other hand, folks like Paul Krugman want to go even further than Treasury. Rather than relying on open market operations, something the Treasury knows how to do. They want the Treasury to take an equity position in failing banks as the Swedes have or Treasury did with Fanny-Mae and Freddy-Mac. This would minimize the risk to the public fisc, but probably also deter private investors from making investments in this sector.
The Paulson plan does not rule out this option, but neither does it require it. It is a sensible, prudent middle-of-the-road proposal.
In the mean time, three cheers for Darlene Hooley. It is nice to be represented by an adult.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Fred Thompson on the Minimum Wage
Last week, at Blue Oregon, Chuck Shekatoff of the Oregon Center for Public Policy (OCPP) accused the communications and lobbying firm Conkling Fiskum & McCormick (CFM) of slipping into “into Political BS (Bogus Statement) mode. The CFM article asserted ‘[h]owever, for the majority of that time [since 2002] the state unemployment rate has remained higher than the national average.’ The suggestion by CFM and business groups that a relatively high minimum wage and higher-than-average unemployment levels are related is Political BS.”
Shekatoff asserts that Oregon’s typically higher-than-national-average unemployment is due to population growth and the structure of our economy and cites an OCPP report and economists at the Oregon Employment Department in support of this claim. When, however, one checks the OCPP report (Who’s Getting Ahead) the evidence cited is short discussion of the issues by an Oregon Employment Department economist, Art Ayre, “Why Does Oregon Have a High Unemployment Rate?” published April 27, 2005. This is, indeed, a very nice discussion of the issues. It correctly observes that “economists usually speak of unemployment as having three components: frictional, cyclical, and structural. All three contribute to Oregon's higher-than-national rate.” However, while it is clear that Ayre has a keen grasp of the issues and the Oregon labor market. The evidentiary basis for his claims is simply not reported.
Indeed, it is hard to see how two of the factors he cites, the structure of the economy and population growth could explain Oregon’s RELATIVE unemployment when compared with the rest of the United States. The structure of Oregon’s economy is essentially a constant. It is axiomatic that a variable that doesn’t vary cannot explain any variance, although it might explain the intercept in an empirical model (which is how I understand Ayre’s claim, although I would stress that ‘might’ leaves a powerful lot of wiggle room). But if you take population growth as the independent variable in an empirical model and relative unemployment (or employment growth) as the dependent variable, one actually obtains a negative relationship. Now I don’t believe for a moment that population growth really causes unemployment to fall (or employment to grow). My hunch is that the causal arrow goes in the opposite direction.
The main driver of unemployment in Oregon is America’s business cycle. America’s booms and busts are also Oregon’s. But what explains Oregon’s RELATIVE unemployment. As a classroom exercise, I have had my students look at this issue several times over the past decade or so, using monthly data, the difference in unemployment (or employment growth) between Oregon and the US as the dependent variable and anything they could think of as independent (or causal) variables. The two variables that seem to explain Oregon’s relative unemployment best are the dollar’s exchange rate with other currencies and the state government's stop and start spending behavior.
The fact is that Oregon industry and agriculture are highly affected by foreign trade. When the dollar is low, they do well, at least so long as the rest of the world isn't in the tank. When it is high, they don't. This is a structural factor that varies measurably over time. Moreover, the state relies on a highly progressive tax structure. Progressive taxes are necessarily volatile revenue sources. Revenue volatility encourages spending volatility, making our booms and busts bigger than elsewhere. This is a cyclical factor unique to Oregon.
Early this year, I took a spreadsheet from the work of one of my better students and tossed a dummy variable representing Oregon’s adoption of a premium minimum wage into her model. The effect was statistically significant, as was the increase in the adjusted coefficient of determination. However, from the standpoint of relative unemployment (or the relative change in total employment), the negative effect was very small. This isn’t a very good test. It’s not a good econometric model. Moreover, using the change in Oregon’s minimum wage relative to the national average would have been better. But when I did the analysis, I lacked that data. Nevertheless, I think its results are likely to be correct. Oregon’s high minimum wage almost certainly makes relative unemployment worse, but the effect is probably not very big, at least not compared to other significant factors.
The reason I believe this is because it is consistent with what most other economists, who have looked closely and carefully at this issue, have found. My reading of contemporary research that the effect of high minimum wages on low-income employment is far more likely to be negative than neutral. Of course, employers can increase prices. But, other things equal, increased prices mean lower sales volume and fewer employees (otherwise, presumably, those employers would have already raised prices). High minimum wages also lead to rationing inefficiencies, which are probably more important than the job losses, but that is another story. One can recognize that high minimum wages have adverse effects and still support minimum wages, even high minimum wages. The consensus among labor economists is that minimum wages help many more low-wage workers than they hurt.
But its supporters shouldn't fool themselves that its effects are entirely benign. If anything is political BS, that is.
Obama proposes to raise the national minimum wage to $9.50 per hour in 2011 and index it to inflation. He also wants to increase the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for working Americans with no children and for those with three or more children and a tax credit of up to $500 per person or $1,000 per couple. This would be a rebate of the worker’s Social Security contribution on the first $8,100 of earnings. Like the EITC, this helps low-income working families without creating employment disincentives.
Most economists believe that we could get more equality at a lower cost by focusing on bottom-end personal income tax brackets and expanding the EITC than by raising minimum wages. Consequently, I’d prefer it if Obama were less enthusiastic about increasing minimum wages and more committed to across-the-board increases in the EITC. Here in Oregon, one thing that we could do is to eliminate the first two brackets of the state personal income tax. Failing the better, however, we should probably, as Chuck Shekatoff proposes, celebrate the pretty good.
Disclosure, Gary Conkling of FSM is my colleague at the Atkinson Graduate School of Management.
Wa Mu Goes Boom!

This is, folks, an unprecedented shake out of the banking industry, and yes you should worry. The Paulson Plan may not be perfect, but doing nothing is not an option.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Bailout Plan

In this case punt to the radio show, OPB's Think Out Loud, I was a guest on this morning. Click here to listen.
While I may be shirking, there is no dearth of stuff in the blog-o-sphere about this. Mark Thoma is always a good place to start.
Soon, I promise!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Fred Thompson on Taxes, Part 2
What the feds did also affected state-level fiscal outcomes in Oregon. Because Oregon’s statutory tax rates were unchanged at 6.6 percent for corporations and 9 percent for individuals, tax shifting in response to changes in the federal tax code probably caused the owners of its 6,000 or so biggest small businesses to increase their personal income tax payments by more than they reduced their corporate income tax payments. This is probably the main reason Oregon’s corporate income tax revenues have dropped relative to its personal income tax revenues, as has happened all over the country.
Of course, the state corporate income tax hits big publicly owned corporations as well as smaller closely held corporations. The reported profits of big publicly owned corporations have boomed in recent decades. But, while they must pay state income taxes somewhere, they aren’t paying higher corporate income taxes in Oregon. The reason for this is somewhat counterintuitive. Corporations that operate in several states can often find ways to have their income taxed in low-tax states rather than in high-tax states. And, if they can, they do, and have for years. Oregon’s statutory corporate income tax rate is among the highest in the US and this has long given big corporations an incentive to go tax shopping.
There’s more: we recently made tax shopping easier for big businesses. Once, the proportion of a firm’s profits that Oregon taxed depended the average of its employees, its assets, and its final sales located within the state relative to the total number of its employees, assets, and final sales. Now we look only at sales. This approach works fairly well for retailers, hotel and restaurant chains, utilities, and the like. But it allows most other big corporations, especially those selling goods and services to other businesses, to pay state taxes wherever they want to and that’s not here. This is the second reason for the drop in Oregon’s corporate income tax revenues relative to its personal income tax revenues: we have sent the revenues to other states.
So, if what we want is to increase Oregon’s tax take, why don’t we just cut the corporate income tax rate and go back to the old tripartite system of tax apportionment? (To be frank, it is by no means clear to me that Oregon’s revenues are inadequate. True, the state has had to borrow $3-4 billion to deal with revenue shortfalls. But over the last two business cycles (1994-present) the state has also rebated $6-7 billion to personal and corporate income taxpayers.)
Lane Shetterly’s Revenue Restructuring Task Force seems to want to increase Oregon’s tax take or, at least, its potential to do so. They have looked at a variety of tax swaps intended to do lots of things, but the one big thing they seem to be working toward is increasing the state’s capacity to raise revenue when it is needed.
Here, I want to look at their most attractive option: swapping the state’s corporate income tax for a transactions tax. To draw precise conclusions about the benefits and costs of a transactions tax one would need to look closely at the details of its administration. Nevertheless, one can make some broad claims about transactions taxes in general with reasonable accuracy.
First, transactions taxes are no more paid by businesses than are corporate income taxes. People pay taxes. The important question is, "which people?" (Economists refer to this as tax incidence question.)
Who bears the burden of Oregon’s corporate income tax? The owners, mostly.
Who would bear the burden of a transactions tax? Customers, ultimately consumers, mostly.
A transactions tax is basically a tax on receipts or sales. Indeed, if the only entities covered were suppliers selling to consumers, then a transactions tax would be identical to a retail sales tax. If it included all goods and service providers regardless of their customers, as in Washington State, for example, it would still probably be like a sales tax in its incidence, but it would have several perverse consequences. For example, it would provide an incentive to businesses to buy their supplies from out of state firms and encourage vertical integration of supply chains. However, these effects would likely be insignificant as long as the transaction-tax rate remained low.
So, as a first approximation, this swap would increase revenues a little bit by shifting taxes from mostly rich owners to mostly not rich consumers.
One could maintain the overall progressivity of Oregon’s tax structure by simultaneously increasing the top bracket of the state’s personal income tax from 9 percent to about 9.5 percent and dropping the bottom two brackets altogether (full disclosure: I think this is a good idea, in any case). But as noted above, one can get an almost identical result to that contemplated by the tax swap plus the change in personal income rates merely by cutting the state’s corporate tax rate to ≥ 5 percent and reverting to the old system of apportionment. Why do something difficult and complicated when something far easier and much simpler will suffice?
What my discussion to this point omits is the option value of a transactions tax. Increasing state income tax revenues is not easy now; it will be practically impossible in the future when the federal government increases personal income and payroll tax rates. Establishing a well-designed transactions tax would, therefore, give the state the potential capacity (or option) to:
· Generate large amounts of revenue.
· Extract payment from individuals with high capacity to pay taxes, but low current income, including those successfully evading the personal income tax, and
· Diversify the revenue base (reduce the volatility of the state revenue stream).
All of these things imply tax rates that would be high enough to bite, however. In that case, the perverse incentives associated with a gross receipts tax would become a serious matter.
The conclusion I draw from this is that, if the balancing factor is the transactions tax’s option value, we ought to adopt a design that would avoid its perverse effects, if that option were struck and the program expanded. That is, the tax should apply only to the increment in value contributed by tax unit at each stage in the process of production, distribution, and delivery, so that an entity’s taxable transactions would be equal to the difference between its sales or gross receipts and its purchases of inputs from other entities, i.e., the tax unit’s earnings before interest, depreciation, and taxes, plus employee compensation.
By the way, we call what I have described a value-added tax.
You can track the Comprehensive Revenue Restructuring TaskForce's agendas at the state legislature's web site:<>
The Legislative Revenue Committee is staffing the task force. Paul Warner is the main staff contact. Documents, etc. can be gotten from Anna Grimes 986-1271. Exhibits can also be retrieved on the Legislative Revenue web page <> at: <>
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Fred Thompson: Taxation and Inequality
The most conclusive evidence showing that that families within the top 1 percent of the income distribution experienced very large gains relative to the average since 1980 comes from Piketty-Saez, who use tax data to construct their inequality estimates.
Piketty-Saez further show that much of the increased concentration of personal income occurred between 1986 and 1988. They accept that much of that increase was a consequence of the 1986 Tax Reform Act, which reduced the difference between personal tax rates and corporate tax rates, thereby causing a shift of income to the personal tax base from the corporate tax base. Indeed, they acknowledge that tax shifting could easily account for two well-noted phenomena of recent decades: the increasing concentration of personal income and the declining rates of corporate profitability. Nevertheless, they argue that if that tax reform was all that was going on then the upper-percentile income share would have shrunk down to its 1986 level over the following decade and, needless to say, the share did not.
However, I think Piketty-Saez are wrong in assuming that shift in income from corporations to individuals caused by the 1986 TRA was a one shot deal. In the first place, corporate profitability (based on the federal flow of funds accounts) dropped significantly in 1982 and in 1986 and has subsequently continued its downward trend, despite the fact that America’s biggest firms earned record profits during this period. Where did the missing income go? Many tax experts believe that much of what is now reported as personal income was previously reported as corporate income.
Not only did the 1986 TRA reduce the difference between personal tax rates and corporate tax rates, it also made it easier for the owners of S corporations and most professional corporations to treat profit from their businesses as personal rather than corporate income and arguably increased the incentives of the owners of closely-held C corporations to treat corporate income as personal income, in part by severely restricting the use of tax shelters and requiring businesses to treat most benefits they provided in-kind to their owners as ordinary personal income (even funds deposited by these businesses in tax-deferred retirement accounts, a sum of $17 trillion in 2007, are now counted as personal income when earned, where once they were treated as a business expense until they were distributed). Consequently, the number of S and professional corporations shot up after 1986 and has continued to grow at a steady rate as a percentage of all corporations in the US ever since.
A lot, maybe most, of the discussion of high earning individuals is misleading. It focuses on the CEOs of big corporations, sports stars, and entertainers. But those folks represent a tiny proportion of the 1 million-plus families in the top 1 percent of the income distribution. Most high-income families have high incomes because they own businesses, farms, or legal, medical, or financial service providers. For example, it has been estimated that the CEOs of the 500 biggest corporations in American and the 500 highest paid athletes and entertainers earn about $25 million on average. That adds up to $25 billion. In contrast, it looks like the 570,000 small-business owners in the top 1 percent of the income distribution may have shifted $300 billion from their corporate accounts to their personal accounts in 1995 more than they would have if the 1986 TRA had never been enacted into law. This implies that they paid about $40-$50 billion more income tax that year than otherwise, but, perhaps, as much as $100 billion less in corporate income taxes, maybe more.
In other words, what the 1986 TRA allowed them to do was keep a lot more of what they earned. Consequently, the effects of the 1986 TRA were reflected in reduced corporate incomes, which in turn reduced corporate income tax payments. Of course, this is not the only reason for declining corporate income tax payments, especially at the state level, but it is probably the main reason. The effects of the 1986 TRA were also reflected in higher reported personal incomes and, despite reductions in marginal rates, increases in personal income tax payments.
This last fact accounts for the claim that Laffer was right, tax rate cuts produced increased government revenue. However, that claim ignores the effect on corporate income tax revenues. Almost no serious student of public finance believes that, tax rate cuts produce increased government revenue at current rates, or is even close to being true.
On the other hand, every serious student of public finance knows that taxes create wedges and most accept that dead-weight losses increase as an exponential function of marginal tax rates. The interesting question is how much of the relative increase in the income reported by Piketty-Saez is due to income shifting, how much is due to reduced corporate tax payments, and how much is due to a reduction in the tax wedge.
The Tax Foundation got blasted for suggesting that the answer to the last part of this question is 20-40 percent. Those do not seem like completely unrealistic numbers to me. Moreover, that is probably also the upper limit of the real increase in the gains in pre-tax income accruing to the top 1 percent of the income distribution relative to the average.
Figure 2. Tax Wedges on Labor Income Showing How an Increase in Tax Rates can Reduce Revenues by Increasing Deadweight Losses
It is a striking fact that the fraction of total wealth held by the rich has not changed noticeably in the last 70-80 years. As Saez observes” “A jump in reported wage income with no change in wealth is consistent with the income-shifting explanation, since all that is changing is where income is reported, not how much income is earned.” We could say the same thing about the consumption of families in the top 1 percent of the income distribution, although this may be an artifact of the methods the census bureau uses to survey consumption levels.
These issues may seem more relevant to federal tax policy than to state tax policy and, indeed, most of the discussion about them is in that context. But Oregon is currently addressing some fundamental issues about its tax structure that reflect the issues addressed here. One prominent proposal involves substituting a transaction tax (probably like a sales tax in its incidence) for the existing state corporate income tax (which this argument suggests is much more like the personal income tax in its). This analysis goes directly to an assessment of the likely consequences, both in terms of adequacy and fairness, of those alternatives, especially given the kinds of changes to federal income taxes we can anticipate under either Obama or McCain.
See Irwin Diewert, Denis A. Lawrence, and Fred Thompson. The Marginal Costs of Taxation and Regulation, in Handbook of Public Finance. F. Thompson and M. Green (eds). New York: Dekker, 1998: 135-173.
Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez "Income Inequality in the United States, 1913-1998" with, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 118(1), 2003, 1-39 (Longer updated version published in A.B. Atkinson and T. Piketty eds., Oxford University Press, 2007) (TABLES AND FIGURES UPDATED TO 2006 in Excel format, July 2008).
Emmanuel Saez “Income and Wealth Concentration in a Historical and International Perspective.”
Also useful:
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Argh!...and catching up.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Soccer in Portland Redux

This is different than saying 'everyone else in the world loves soccer, so should the US,' this is about the fact that the soccer crazy world spends a lot of money following soccer and watches it rabidly. Top European soccer teams are as valuable as the biggest NFL and MLB clubs in America and English teams are falling over themselves to try and get a piece of the US market. So there are huge potential returns globally from the growth of the MLS. It is probably decades away, but that does not stop current valuations from reflecting the potential future returns. There is a reason, on other words, that Merritt Paulson is going to put up the 40 million himself - he does not want to share the potentially huge payday if franchise fees continue appreciating they way they have been recently.
Even domestically, there are many reasons to expect that attendance and viewership will keep increasing. The US population is increasingly representative of cultures where soccer is the main sport. The growth in soccer participation among youth players has been explosive whcih not only increases the potential domestic talent pool, but creates generations of soccer-savvy fans.
As for Portland, the proven support for professional soccer and a stadium that could become the best soccer stadium in the country make it a pretty safe bet for the city, one would think.
In short, the future returns from a professional soccer club in America are potentially huge. Merritt Paulson is no idiot. He is not about to spend $40 million on a suckers bet.
The Portland Housing Market: A Field Experiment
As for the mortgage market, we had no problem securing financing, but were were required to provide full documentation and they would not qualify my wife until she had a couple of months pay stubs from her new employer (a contract was insufficient). I don't think there is much sub-prime financing out there at all, so all of those buyers are not active currently. This is perhaps why marginal properties are not being bought to flip.
We got a rate that in historical perspective is quite good, but nothing like two years ago. I was fine with this, I understand the credit markets and accept the outcome. But it does kinda sting when, on the day of closing mortgage rates plummet on news of the Fannie and Freddie bailouts. What galls me is this: it has been clear that the federal government was going to do this for weeks, so why didn't markets already price this into mortgages? This is a picture of the rates crash that also represents that sinking feeling in my stomach.

Finally, one curious anecdote. I was talking to a contractor that does a lot of little jobs, and whom I might employ to do a few things at my new house, and he was telling me he has never been busier than he is right now. This is counterintuitive given the difficulty of obtaining home equity lines of credit and the like. But it could just be that his reputation for excellent work is spreading.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Major League Soccer in Portland

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Economist's Notebookl: iPhone and Strategic Complements

But the fact that I am now cool is not what I wanted to write about. What is interesting about the iPhone is that in the US it is a part of a pair with the AT&T wireless network and the utility that I derive from the iPhone depends not only on how well Apple designed it, but also how good AT&T has made their network. This creates something interesting in economics - strategic complements (in, in this case, quality). This term refers to the fact that if Apple makes a better iPhone, AT&T has the incentive to make a better network and vice-versa. Why, because each product is more valuable to consumers the better is the other thing. However, there is a catch: though AT&T could get people to pay more if they were to make their network better, they would not capture all of the increase in peoples willingness to pay, some would probably be caught by Apple (and, again, vice-versa). So this makes Apple and AT&T a bit uncomfortable bedfellows - they are both interested in similar things (selling as many phones and combined service contracts) - but they are ultimately interested only in increasing the values of their stock.
Thus it comes as no surprise to read in the New York Times recently that Apple and AT&Ts iPhone service is perhaps not quite as good as it should be and that each company probably wishes the other would do just a bit better. Is there a solution? Yes, Apple and AT&T could merge and become a single company. Then incentives would be perfectly aligned and we should expect both better phones and a better network. Another way is to get create separate markets for phones and networks (i.e., to require unlocked phones). This is the way it works for the most part in Europe, I am told. It is true that there is still the strategic complements aspect, but with stiff quality competition in each market, we should expect an efficient outcome there. iPhone on Verizon's network - now that would be cool!