NOTE: Once more into the breach from Fred Thompson. The title refers to this piece by Kevin Drum.
I should acknowledge up front both that I am an
infrastructure enthusiast and that I think Keystone XL is a very smart
infrastructure project. Montana, North Dakota, and probably Alberta crude would
sell for $20 a barrel more than it does now if it could be cheaply transported
to Houston, Texas. A rough, quick and dirty calculation suggests that XL, which
will move 800,000 barrels a day at low cost, would generate about $6 billion in
net benefit per year; that’s a present value of approximately $120 billion
(i.e., the size of Oregon’s annual state product). But like all
big infrastructure projects Keystone XL has an environmental downside, in
this instance arguably a very big one. James Hansen, for example, asserts that
its effects would be both catastrophic and irreversible.
Most of the principled disagreement over the Keystone XL
pipeline appears to reflect different counterfactuals. By principled I mean
arguments that do not involve the rejection of anthropogenic climate change or
denial that prudence requires that we take the possibility
of catastrophe very seriously and take action to avert or, if that is not
possible, mitigate its dimensions.
The key counterfactual has to do with what will happen if
Keystone XL is not built. Opponents claim that the crude oil it would carry will
remain in the ground, resulting in a net reduction in the output of greenhouse
gases. Proponents believe that Canada’s tar sands will be exploited at more or
less the same rate whether XL is built or no.
Can we bring some simple economic thinking to bear on this
issue? Perhaps, but before that some context. First, nearly all of the crude
oil exported from Canada will be refined and consumed in the United States.
Second, most of the Canadian crude now consumed in the US comes here via
pipeline and is refined in Oklahoma, Missouri, and Illinois. Relatively small
amounts are shipped by rail, some all the way to Texas and New Jersey, but not
much. A handful of fairly small pipelines carry oil from Alberta through
British Columbia and Washington. Some of the crude they carry is refined in
Washington State but most of it is shipped on to California. Third, Keystone 3,
which runs from Oklahoma to Texas, will be completed this year. Consequently, because
the refineries there can process the Canadian stuff much more efficiently, a
lot of the Canadian crude now refined in Illinois and Oklahoma will soon go on
to Texas. Fourth, Canadian crude going to Texas will replace Venezuelan, Mexican,
and Nigerian crude that now arrives by ship. Expansion of the pipelines from
Alberta to British Columbia and Washington would replace oil from the Mideast
(where California gets most of the oil it refines).
Building Keystone XL also means that the crude oil produced
in North Dakota and Montana, the bulk of which is now moved by train to
refiners, would instead be transported by pipeline. Consequently, building
XL would have the immediate result of reducing the amount of crude transported
by rail in the US. Whether it would also forestall an increase in rail
shipments from Canada to the US is more iffy.

The crux of this claim is that extraction and use of fossil
fuels like oil and coal are directly related to the cost of
transport. “If a pipeline provides cheaper transport, it’s going to suppress
the cost of fossil fuels, prolonging their use. The cost of transport and the
price of fossil fuels cannot be separated.” With respect to oil from Alberta’s
tar sands, “the payoff from getting bitumen out of the sand is very low, it has
to be heated to make the oil flow. The acidity of the oil is high and it’s full
of stuff that no one wants to burn. Lacking the pipe line, there won’t be
enough margin to support moving the product by rail.” Clearly, at least some
opponents of the Keystone XL understand that the relevance of transportation
costs to the extraction and use of crude oil depends on whether its producers
are marginal suppliers or infra-marginal suppliers and by how much. If they are
marginal suppliers, transportation costs are critical, if they are infra-marginal
suppliers, not so much.
What is the weight of the evidence on this issue? My reading
of the evidence is that, at $50 a barrel, the tar sands would be marginal
suppliers. At $100 a barrel, exploiting this resource is a license to print
money, even if the cost to get it to refiners is >$20 a barrel. Right now
Alberta is an infra-marginal supplier. That is also the case with respect to
North Dakota and Montana. Of course, one can imagine contingencies in which things
would be otherwise. The price of oil could drop, for example, or, some time in
the future, producers may choose to exploit harder to access or process tar
sands. Clearly, there are circumstances in which transportation costs would affect
the exploitation and use of these resources, although it is hard to imagine
situations in which they would matter as much as the development of production technologies.
The bottom line is that success in the fight against greenhouse gases does not depend
in meaningful ways on this or any other infrastructure project.
What does the fight against greenhouse gases depend upon? The
enactment of measures such as carbon taxes, the payoff to investments in alternative
technologies, and, to a lesser extent, trade policy. How would a carbon tax
work? A carbon tax would drive a Investing in technologies that provide
substitutes for coal and petroleum: conservation, solar and wind power, nuclear
power, algal biofuel, even natural gas and methane hydrates, will further
reduce the demand for fossil coal and oil. That’s the next most important thing
we can do. At best, fights about infrastructure are sideshows; at worst, distractions
from issues that really matter in the fight against pollution and global
wedge between the
price paid by consumers and the price received by producers, reducing both
supply of (production) and demand for fossil fuels (consumption) and encourage
alternative, less carbon intense technologies. For example, a carbon tax of approximately
$50 a barrel would render Alberta a marginal supplier (assuming fixed
technology) and go a long way toward preempting more intensive exploitation of
this resource. It doesn't matter whether the tax is levied at the pump or on
the producer/importer and it most emphatically doesn't matter what you call it,
the incidence of an excise tied to carbon content would be the same, as would
the effects on consumption and production. Enacting something like a carbon tax
is the most important thing we can do to fight greenhouse gases.
1 comment:
This was, at least locally, relevant. On May 22 Oregon Climate Action Now held a rally at the state capitol promoting a carbon tax.
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